15 Jan
Happy New Year!

Fellow Legionnaires,
Happy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and were able to spend quality time with family and friends. As we move into 2023, we should be excited and humbled at having the opportunity to continue to assist our veterans and support our communities.
I attended Post 618s meeting on December 10th followed by a visit downtown during Coldsprings Christmas Market where the Auxiliary, et al were fundraising. Thanks for the turkey leg!!
On December 14, I held a Revitalization meeting for the New Caney Post 615. I appointed Todd Maxey as the Interim Commander and tasked him with making New Caney a viable post again. I also met with Robin Maxey who is interested in restoring the Auxiliary charter. Very excited about their efforts and look forward to a report at our DEC.
During the month of December, I was proud to hear from so many posts on your posts' efforts and involvement in community holiday activities. I shared every one of those events with the National and Department PR staff so that they are aware of the hard work our legionnaires out here in the "sticks" of District 7 continue to do. With so many of you running events under challenging legionnaire participation and minimal resources, I continue to remain in awe and gain inspiration of what each of you do.
Let's not forget our Auxiliary and SAL family who were right there standing shoulder to shoulder with legionnaires contributing in support for veterans and community not only during this period of time, but every day. Thank you, Unit President Carrie Dailey and SAL Commander Charlie Scott!
MEMBERSHIP: Our membership is currently at 60% or 2023, which puts us in the 10th position. We all need to make that final push in reaching our individual posts goals, as well as our district goal. Please start concentrating on renewals for the month of January - that should be a no brainer. People forget, it is up to you to help them remember...pick up the phone and call them - that's why you get the big bucks!
ORATORICAL: Oratorical competition at the post level should have been completed. I have not received any post submission for our district competition.  Please get those to me ASAP. District level contests must be concluded by January 13th.                                                              
 WINTER DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Our winter DEC is still on for January 28th at Conroe Post 411.  The agenda is still being developed and in the coming week I will be forwarding the agenda, SOE and draft district CBL for your review. Training will be on website/social media development and use, so make sure to bring your webmaster. I know Roxanne has been working hard and is enthusiastic to lead that training.
SPRING CONVENTION: Our Spring Convention will be held on April 22, 2023, Madisonville. The Call letter is attached.  During the convention the district will be electing a new Commander and Vice Commander, which means new DEC members.  Please encourage your members to step up and serve on the DEC.  You know who your strong members are, so please persuade them to step up.
The first convention planning conference is scheduled for this Saturday, January 7th at 1100 at Post 95 Huntsville. I have already sent an email to those who are requested to attend and will send out a reminder this week. Of course, any post legionnaire is invited and encouraged to attend. We will be developing a new procedure for future conventions, so if you have input, be there.
CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS: A draft of the 7th District CBL's has been circulated via email. Please review and be prepared to discuss and make changes at our January DEC.  Final draft will be presented to delegates at our Spring Convention for approval.
FINAL THOUGHTS: I say it often and I say it loudly, I am humbled to lead such a great group of men and women of the 7th District.  No matter what other organizations exists out there, you are the top veteran in each of your communities and you need to wear that badge with pride and honor, just like when you wore the uniform. Get out there and let them know who you are and what you are doing.

* The email will not be published on the website.